Thursday, 28 August 2008

For Real Estate Professionals !

The power of focus
In my experience, focus is the most important determination of whether you'll achieve a goal or stick to creating a new habit. Not self-discipline, not rewards, not sheer willpower, not even motivation (also an important ingredient, however). If you can maintain your focus on a goal or habit, you will more often than not achieve that goal or create that habit.

However, as simple as this sounds so few people are able to stay focused on the things they want. Why, because it is easier to stay focused on all the things that you do not want. Watching the news or reading the newspapers are prime examples of how to zap your power and keep your focus on the things that you do not want. Turn on the TV today and you will hear the economy is tanking, war with Iran is imminent, the housing crisis is getting worse and on and on and on. If fact, most people end and start their day with some 24hr bad news network. It's no wonder we have a tough time staying focused on what we don't want when we are being inundated with bad news.

So how do you get clear?
Many times, I ask people what they want in their life. Most of the time I get a blank stare or a simple "I don't know" These same people then get upset when things in their life, such as finances, jobs, relationships and business start to fall apart. What they do not realize is that they are getting exactly want they are focusing on through worry and fear, all the things that they do not want.

Since most people know exactly what they don't want, but have a hard time getting clear on the things that they actually want in life I suggest that you try this simple exercise. Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the center. On the left side of the page write down all the things that you DO NOT want. Now, once you have you list move to the right side of the paper and begin to list the exact opposite, line by line for each item the you listed on the left. Now you have a list of all the things that you do want. For example, suppose you listed on the left side of the paper the following:

Things I do not want
I do not want to be sick
I do not want to be broke
I do not want to be in an abusive relationship

Things I do want
I want to experience vibrant health
I want to experience wealth and abundance
I want to experience a loving and caring relationship

Now make it your intention to focus for 30 days on what put on your "What I want List" The first step to getting want you want is to intend for it. Instead of starting your day with the some bad news network start you day by reading your daily list of intentions. Start each day by saying "I intend to make today a productive day or I intend to experience wealth and abundance" When you intend something you are actually sending a powerful signal to your subconscious mind and your subconscious mind is what drives you to take action.

Do things on purpose.
Many people are afraid to let their motives show when they do something to get what they want. That is because they have limiting beliefs about what they can achieve. You can have whatever you want and let others know it. It is the nature of everyone to do things with intention. The whole universe operates by intention. When you allow yourself to act according to your intentions and do things on purpose, you will find yourself getting more and more of what exactly it is you want.
So, if you want to be a Top Producer, you must do everything with the intention of becoming a Top Producer. You must intend to be Top Producer, not just selling a listing that has not sold for over a year. Being a Top Producer means selling millions of dollars worth of listings! That is exactly what you intend and you do not intend anything else. That is why only the few agents get rich in real estate and the rest only have marginal success. The most consistent top producers have gotten where they are because they did everything with the intention of becoming a Top Producer. They did not get focused the economy or the difficulty in the real estate market, they stayed completely focused on what they wanted and where they wanted to go. As a result, they consistently achieve their goals good economy or bad economy.
So for the next 30 days make it your intention to make this month better than last month, regardless of the naysayers out there. When someone tells you that they're having a tough time selling in this economy and market simply, reply "maybe for you but not for me". I intend to make this the best year of my career.

Remember fear sells newspapers not real estate.

To your success,

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