Sunday 15 May 2011


Its all about “ LIFE “…. 

Cradle as soon you were born, Coffin when you leave the world.
Do something in between. Rule this world, play with this world.
Will laziness bring in bucks? Will it be yours if you just claim it?
Desires.. touches the sky, Life is very short
Turn it upside down, Plough it through... clear it
Live a life on your own term’s …
Oh no! Don’t grib about the opportunity not knocking your door
It would have knocked long back you might have miss hearing it.
If you curse yourself in dark, sitting in dark
There’s no chance of a dawn to you.
Yesterday will not return, nobody knows Whats in store tomorrow
All you have is just today only …
Paths without sorrows, Lives without sorrow’s, Lives without any risk
It is a big bore …
Though you may reach the top of the world and earn billions.
Don’t let fame take over you.
Victory is not somebody’s personal property .It didn’t start with you it’s a 50-50 chance
Just go on …..You can catch a bus if you wait in a bus station.
Whats there for you if you fall into frustration?
All your mistakes till date, you can cover it up with your success.
Rising after a fall is a child’s first lesson...Isn’t it strange we forget it is so quickly?
Knows what you want before embarking a journey .To makes it happy and eventful...
Whatever you fear the most do it one every day, you will never have fear.
Though life hits rock bottom, though life turns into a hell .Work only if you love to do it …… by Saikumar Vuppaladhadium 

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