Friday, 30 January 2009

Be A Leader

Some notes from today’s Team Leader Training in Magnet. The topic was how can we train ourselves to be leaders.

Leadership = People around you producing expanding results.

First step is taking responsibility. Responsibility = Ability to Respond. You have ability to respond to any situation, any person. Responsibility is not a burden. It’s a grace you give yourself.

How do we listen to our people? People show up as we listen to them. If I listen to someone as a loser, he will always do things like a loser. Are we listening to our people as if they are leaders?

Be a lifelong student. This does not come easily, you have to practice and allocate time to learn. Not just to learn technical skills, but also leadership.

Keep your battery charged! Disempowering conversations drain your energy. Replace them with thoughts that give you energy.

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