Saturday, 16 January 2010

Are You Under Mind Control? Why Not?

How do you determine if you're under mind control?
It's an interesting question that you can pass around at a party or among friends.
The fact is that you just don't know. In fact everything you are doing could be a response that fits perfectly into another persons plans.

If you take that as a possibility you could simply just give up and yield to the fact that NOTHING is truly within your control but there is a healthier option.It's quite simple, just ask yourself "Am I acting or am I reacting?
"If you are reacting then you are respond to something outside of your control and trying to gain some control back, a potential sign of some form of mind control.

No one likes to feel powerless and out of control.The solution? To do something intentional and positive that is NOT a response to the external environment.I want to emphasize the word "positive" here because an intentional negative/destructive act has to act on or destroy something pre-existing. It would be then something to which you are reacting.This is much harder that it might seem because it requires four qualities that most "sheeple" find hard to implement. They are:

1) Thought.People don't like to think, in general. That is why we have an unconscious (reactive) mind so it will do most of our actions for us. Most of us rely on it entirely too much or in the wrong way and allow it to dictate our every move by letting our emotions guide us. Advertisers, politicians, spouses and other manipulators know this and often seek to control you by fear, anger, threats and frustration. Thought requires that you determine what would be your best emotional response.

2 ) Creativity.Creativity can be difficult because it requires taking action that is not linked to some external stimulus. This, of course requires thought, but one can train themselves and their unconscious mind to be very creative. Think of what Salvador Dali was able to do. Nothing he did in the field of art could easily be compared to anything prior to him. The same was true with his life.

3) Action.Action takes effort. People (sheeple?) tend to not want to act instead they react and conserve their energy. What they don't understand is that by taking creative action in the manner described creates energy. Going back to Salvidor Dali as an example, his life was FULL of energy that he created. When his peers in the high brow field of art tried to control him he would turn his response into a new form of performance art. In so doing he would baffle the people trying to influence him and entertain everyone else.

4) Courage.Why courage? Because when people recognize that they cannot control you through fear and anger they will severely escalate their attempts through threats and maybe even violence.

To free yourself from any form of mind control is no easy task. But nothing so rewarding is easy.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010


I‘m not sure what I’ll do with this, or even where it came from, but I really wanted to share.
Last Friday my muse tapped me on the shoulder and begged me to write this. I was hard at work on something else, but she is a playful minx and I try to indulge her whenever possible. Fortunately, my schedule could accommodate the diversion. The first stanza rattled around in my head and was quickly followed by the rest.
The rhyme tackles a topic that’s been on my mind a lot lately, especially as Cindy and I continue to develop content for Children Write the Future, though it is admittedly not very well explored. I’m sure at some point it will turn into something more pointed and specific, but for now I am happy with how wonderfully unexpected and off schedule this little rhyme was.
Tomorrow is coming, one spin of the globe
More future to filter, new problems to probe
Education is lacking – now cracking and crumbled
We started so strong, but then somewhere we stumbled
Old backwards feels forwards, threads fraying toward fail
What once was ahead is now trapped as our tail
Someone get a medic, don’t dally. Go run!
From daycare to college – knowledge 911
Penicillin’s for killing a viral disease
But reality’s gravity’s dropped us to our knees
What sorta solution or fusion of fixes
Can take our twos and our threes, multiply ‘em to sixes?
It’s a lot of monotony – this mind-numbing stage
Keeping planet potential locked up in a cage
There’s interest that’s nested inside of the heads
Of millions of children, so long as it spreads
Mom and dad need to get a bit mad and then moving
If we expect to collect a situation improving
What will our kids think of the present presented
If it isn’t what it should be, then won’t they resent it?
It’s time to get going. No reason to stall
Let’s bust down each brick in the barrier wall
That’s casting the rules of our schools in antique
Dulling our tools, slowly turning us weak
We’re procrastinating and waiting for why?
So much of our NOW we’ve yet to apply
If we don’t get going, adopting new skills
Then pillage the village and head for the hills
Without a revision, division’s impending
It’ll come out of nowhere and feel never ending
Demand more today, so tomorrow will double
With twice the advantage and half of the trouble
Yes we can do it, but only together
All of us standing no matter the weather
Draught, flood, tsunami; arid, rain, snow
One-hundred and ten to well forty below
If we all command it, then it will be done
Four faces, all aces, our future is won
Do all you can and do it your best
If everyone follows, that takes care of the rest

Monday, 4 January 2010

The Beautiful Promise

On a day so calm, under sky so blue,
Just like in a fairy tale, though this story’s true,
A mommy and daddy brought a girl to their world.
She was tiny and perfect. Her small body curled

Into a comma until she stretched out;
Giggling, and sniffling, and wiggling about.
Her eyes were so bright, her skin like fresh cream.
She was the beguiling answer to their beautiful dream.

She looked as full as a promise, so that’s what they said,
When they named her that night, as they lay in their bed.
They looked on their newborn, with nothing but love,
As pure and as still as that blue sky above.
A flawless gift given, she demanded respect.
Mom and Dad must be mindful, and know what to expect.

They were both wise, to indeed understand:
All life is exciting, though all life can’t be planned.
It can be prepared for, so that’s what they’d do.
I know this story’s fantastic, but it can work for you.

Living is quite costly, and they shouldn’t spend too much,
Buying things they didn’t need, and drifting further out of touch.
Savings are important, especially when you’re young –
If you wish to climb life’s ladder without slipping down a rung.

As Promise grew, her needs would too. Pressure would surely mount.
Before we get too busy, let’s pause and start to count:
College, car, a wedding day; plus, Mom and Dad could bet,
Promise would need at least ten things, not invented yet.

Now here’s the rub – the problem large, at which Mom and Dad were staring:
How could they do what should be done and keep their daughter caring?
They wanted Promise to have the World, while staying nice and gracious;
Like living in a one room flat, and thinking that it’s spacious.

They did not want to spoil her, or cause her head to swell.
No, Promise must be humble and she must treat others well.
They would keep her savings secret, until she could understand,
That the finest things in life are those you gain with your own hand.

The road was long in front of them. They would have to start their walk.
Mom and Dad had a cup of tea and a long and winding talk.
They had to save more money, but they had none left to save.
They would need to change some habits, and financially behave.

A little isn’t much until time prods it toward a lot.
Just keep adding, rain or shine, and soon that’s what you’ve got.
Mom and dad, each one had, some things they could improve.
It’s the little things that mean a lot when you work to fiscally improve.

Dad went to the Jolt-N-Bolt to help him stay awake.
He loved their roasted coffee and the muffins they would bake.
Mom bought lots of magazines and fancy haircuts too.
She quit with both these luxuries; the least that she could do.

Day by day, Mom and Dad, gathered all their extra cash.
At the end of the month, a BIG surprise, look how much they had stashed.
Three hundred bucks, and yes I know, it sure sounds like a lot.
But let’s add lots of time on top, and then see what we’ve got.

When you gather lots of money, your horizons are uncurled.
That’s why compound interest is the Eighth Wonder of the World.
At three-hundred a month, for five straight years, they now had twenty-five grand.
Let’s not get too excited. Instead, let’s watch these funds expand.

Three-hundred a month, was now one-fifty a week, because their interest grew.
What an amazing secret, they thought. What if everybody knew?
Mom and dad kept squirreling dough in all the falling years,
Saving money helped them shed unnecessary fears.

They never gave attention to what everybody knew.
Especially with their Promise watching everything they do.
They never spent their dollars on a heap of useless stuff.
When their Promise asked for more, they said, “No, you’ve had enough.”

Let’s skip ahead now, several years with Promise nearly grown.
Mom and Dad are perfectly proud with the qualities she has shown.
A humble girl, just as they wished. They had taught her many things –
Like how to think intelligent, and how to spread her wings.

Promise was a modest girl, always willing to work hard.
She never failed to pay herself, with her own debit card.
She looked ahead, toward her brightest future yet to come.
It was almost time to leave for school, and that’s a mighty sum.

But Promise insisted on paying it all – every tuition bill
(Even though she was clueless she was worth a quarter mil).
Just three-hundred a month could add up to that? How could that possibly be?
It’s the miracle of compound interest. Keep on reading and you’ll see.

Let’s jump ahead seven years. Promise is twenty-five.
She is brilliant, bold, and beautiful. She is vividly alive.
She had found someone with whom she wanted to share forevermore,
But weddings were expensive; a fact that she could not ignore.

Promise had saved just enough for the day inside her head.
She wanted things to remain quite simple, at least that is what she said.
Promise still had no clue what lay quietly in wait –
One half a million dollars, by her pending wedding date.

Our tale concludes with another five years piled on our story.
Promise and her husband had worked to finalize their glory.
They had a house and baby too, a descendent of their own.
Someone they could love and cherish until he was all grown.

Promise was an angel. She was diligent and kind.
Her family’s future never strayed too far outside her mind.
Mom and Dad were ready to tell and fully confident,
That thirty years of saving had been three decades nicely spent.

Just three-hundred a month, every month, in Promise’s account,
Had blossomed, bloomed and burgeoned into a generous amount.
For Promise, and her family, the sum was oddly strange.
Living life was mostly a cinch with a million bucks and change