Tuesday 5 January 2010


I‘m not sure what I’ll do with this, or even where it came from, but I really wanted to share.
Last Friday my muse tapped me on the shoulder and begged me to write this. I was hard at work on something else, but she is a playful minx and I try to indulge her whenever possible. Fortunately, my schedule could accommodate the diversion. The first stanza rattled around in my head and was quickly followed by the rest.
The rhyme tackles a topic that’s been on my mind a lot lately, especially as Cindy and I continue to develop content for Children Write the Future, though it is admittedly not very well explored. I’m sure at some point it will turn into something more pointed and specific, but for now I am happy with how wonderfully unexpected and off schedule this little rhyme was.
Tomorrow is coming, one spin of the globe
More future to filter, new problems to probe
Education is lacking – now cracking and crumbled
We started so strong, but then somewhere we stumbled
Old backwards feels forwards, threads fraying toward fail
What once was ahead is now trapped as our tail
Someone get a medic, don’t dally. Go run!
From daycare to college – knowledge 911
Penicillin’s for killing a viral disease
But reality’s gravity’s dropped us to our knees
What sorta solution or fusion of fixes
Can take our twos and our threes, multiply ‘em to sixes?
It’s a lot of monotony – this mind-numbing stage
Keeping planet potential locked up in a cage
There’s interest that’s nested inside of the heads
Of millions of children, so long as it spreads
Mom and dad need to get a bit mad and then moving
If we expect to collect a situation improving
What will our kids think of the present presented
If it isn’t what it should be, then won’t they resent it?
It’s time to get going. No reason to stall
Let’s bust down each brick in the barrier wall
That’s casting the rules of our schools in antique
Dulling our tools, slowly turning us weak
We’re procrastinating and waiting for why?
So much of our NOW we’ve yet to apply
If we don’t get going, adopting new skills
Then pillage the village and head for the hills
Without a revision, division’s impending
It’ll come out of nowhere and feel never ending
Demand more today, so tomorrow will double
With twice the advantage and half of the trouble
Yes we can do it, but only together
All of us standing no matter the weather
Draught, flood, tsunami; arid, rain, snow
One-hundred and ten to well forty below
If we all command it, then it will be done
Four faces, all aces, our future is won
Do all you can and do it your best
If everyone follows, that takes care of the rest

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