Thursday 9 September 2010

Cathartic Procrastinating Wordsmiths

Cathartic Procrastinating Wordsmiths

This is what we are.

We have not the spines to act, not the strength to leap, not the wisdom to see our folly.
All we see is the sorrow, our sorrow, and we keep asking why.
Waiting for someone or something to fix it when all we need to do is follow our hearts to be free.
Circles within circles within circles.

Someone else here said it better than I - "I am so desperately sorry for you, and all the other beautiful birds, trapped in a gilded cage... "
It does not matter how beautiful your cage is, it is still a cage.
I will not die in this cage I built around me, and yes, it was I that built it, I know that now.
The cage door is open.
Almost time to fly...

And the non poetic, non procrastinating, non wordsmith but VERY cathartic version...

**** this! I'm Off!

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