Wednesday 31 March 2010


A quote by Liebniz:
"Reality cannot be found except in one single source, because of the connection of things with one another."

Perhaps our definitions and concepts lead us astray. We could simply be creating a surface for reality that we do not go beyond.

Ego: a product of society

The universe is ruthless and does not care who you are. The universe simply does what it does without reason. It is our natural evolution that has lead to us living in a society. However such a society places great burdens on us individually. Society is also ruthless, it does not care what you do as long as it benefits society as a whole. The society gives us morals and guidelines to adhere to, which we can abandon on a whim as long as it benefits society (such as killing in wartime). Society tells you how you are expected to behave and in doing so marks out who you "are". This sense of self then leads to a foundation for a way of thinking, where everything you do is justified by this sense of self. It is this "self" that we call the ego. The ego then controls us much like a computer virus. However, we are afraid of letting go of the ego, when it gives us the feeling of belonging and sense of purpose. If we let go of the ego we are left with nothing, a great sense of emptiness resides within us. However what we do not realize is that this emptiness is the source of all ideas, it is the "stage of all possibilities". It is massive all encompassing. It is our true self.

The nature of time

People have wondered for centuries; what time actually is. Physicists have found ways to incorporate the idea into physical theories. However quantum theory and general relativity, two incompatible theories have provided us with different notions of what time are. Perhaps a resolution to the incompatibilities of the two theories is a way to eliminate time altogether in much the same way that the notion of inertia was eliminated from early theories of motion (even though it is such an intuitive concept).
Things to think about:

(i) What role does time play in the mind?
(ii) Can we really assign a time in between thoughts (does time exist when there are no thoughts)?
(iii) How do we observe time in the mind?
(iv) How does this relate to universal time, if it exists?

Using true reality to solve our problem.

We have a crude understanding of what life is. Most of us have dreams and desires that we wish to pursue. However, to do so we use the crude understanding of life. When there is a problem and we find it difficult to achieve our goal we turn to our crude understanding. If for instance you cannot afford the most stylish car you get another job you sell your time (and your life) for money. This is using the standard reality that we live in, that tells us we need more expensive material possessions to show off our success, and the way we achieve these things is through selling our time.

Can we use true reality (if such a thing exists)? Can we realize how stupid the pursuit for so called success is? Can we see the material possessions for what they really are? Can we experience true living? Can we stop deceiving ourselves putting what others think about us as top priority? Can we focus on experiencing and enjoying the short and insignificant life that we have?

After all you only live once.

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Change Your Vision

There was a millionaire who was bothered by severe eye pain. He consulted so many physicians and was getting his treatment done. He did not stop consulting galaxy of medical experts; he consumed heavy loads of drugs and underwent hundreds of injections. But the ache persisted with great vigour than before. At last a monk who has supposed to be an expert in treating such patients was called for by the millionaire. The monk understood his problem and said that for some time he should concentrate only on green colours and not to fall his eyes on any other colours. The millionaire got together a group of painters and purchased barrels of green color and directed that every object his eye was likely to fall to be painted in green colour just as the monk had directed. When the monk came to visit him after few days, the millionaire's servants ran with buckets of green paints and poured on him since he was in red dress, lest their master not see any other colour and his eye ache would come back. Hearing this monk laughed said "If only you had purchased a pair of green spectacles, worth just a few rupees, you could have saved these walls and trees and pots and all other articles and also could have saved a large share of his fortune. You cannot paint the world green." Let us change our vision and the world will appear accordingly. It is foolish to shape the world, let us shape ourselves first.

Lets change our vision..!!
Think simple,Live simple.."

Wednesday 17 March 2010

The Top 50 Marketing Blogs

The Top 50 Marketing Blogs To Watch 
After the success of last year's list we are ready to release the list of the Top 50 Marketing Blogs to watch in 2009. We searched all around the Internet looking for the best marketing blogs in a number of different categories. We've sorted them into nine different areas and if you're looking at building your marketing presence in 2009, these are the must read blogs for you to check out. Enjoy! 

Small Business Marketing
Seth Godin's Blog
Online Marketing
Seth Godin

General Marketing
How to Change the World
Search Marketing
Search Engine Land
Guy Kawasaki
Search Enging Land
Social Media Marketing
Professional Online Publishing
Brand Marketing
Logic + Emotion
Trend Hunter
Robin Good
Login + Emotion

Sunday 14 March 2010

Reaching Your Potential ( To be the best out of the best )

The Idea in Brief
Despite racking up impressive accomplishments, you feel frustrated with your career--convinced you should be achieving more. You may even wish you had chosen a different career altogether.
These feelings often stem from a common error: buying into others' definitions of success. To reach your potential, Kaplan suggests taking a deeply personal look at how you define success:
Begin by recognizing that managing your career is your responsibility. Then, follow these three steps:

Know yourself by identifying your strengths and weaknesses and the activities you truly enjoy doing.
Excel at the activities critical to success in your desired role.
Demonstrate character and leadership by putting the interests of your company and colleagues ahead of your own.
The Idea in Practice
Kaplan offers these guidelines for reaching your potential at work:

Know Yourself
Write down your 2-3 greatest strengths and weaknesses. If (like most people) you struggle with identifying key weaknesses, solicit the views of people (peers, direct reports, trusted friends) who will tell you the brutal truth. Ask for very specific feedback ("How well do I listen?" "What is my leadership style?"). Be receptive to the input you receive.
Then figure out what you truly enjoy doing. What's your dream job? Resist the lure of a hot field: If you go into it without a strong enthusiasm for the actual work, you may waste a number of years before you admit it's the wrong job for you. Once you've chosen your ideal job, you'll have to start from scratch. But choosing a field you love gives you strength to weather the inevitable setbacks and long hours needed to reach your full potential in any career.

Excel at Critical Activities
Identify the 3-4 activities essential for success in your desired or current role. Then develop a plan for excelling in these activities.
A new division head at a large industrial company was struggling to grow sales and profits. Through interviews with staff and customers, he concluded that success in his business hinged on developing close relationships with top customers' purchasing managers, putting the right people in critical leadership positions, and staying at the cutting edge of product innovation. He began delegating activities less central to success so he could focus on raising the bar on the three success factors he had identified. Sales and profits improved.
Demonstrate Character and Leadership
Character and leadership make the difference between good and great performance. To demonstrate character:
· Put the interests of your company and colleagues ahead of your own, doing things for others without regard to what's in it for you.
· Adopt an owner's mindset, asking yourself what you would do if you were the ultimate decision maker.
· Be willing to make recommendations that will benefit your organization's overall performance, possibly to the detriment of your own unit. Trust that you'll eventually be rewarded. To exhibit leadership, speak up--even when you're expressing an unpopular view. Your superiors desperately want dissenting opinions so they can make better choices. If you play it safe instead of asserting your heartfelt opinions, you may hit a plateau in your career.
This collection offers strategies for changing course if you feel dissatisfied with your life's direction:
If you're putting in longer hours, only to become less productive and more exhausted, read the suggestions for reviving four types of personal energy in "Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time," by Tony Schwartz and Catherine McCarthy. For example, replenish emotional energy by viewing upsetting situations as learning opportunities. Free up physical energy by setting an earlier bedtime and reducing alcohol intake.
· If you're making trade-offs between your professional and personal obligations, consider making small changes that benefit multiple dimensions of your life, as Stewart Friedman recommends in "Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life." For instance, join a club with coworkers. You'll forge closer friendships with them, strengthening your sense of community and improving on-the-job collaboration.
· If you've lost touch with what matters most to you, explore "Do Your Commitments Match Your Convictions?" by Donald N. Sull and Dominic Houlder. They recommend a disciplined process for articulating your deepest values, determining which are receiving insufficient time and energy from you, and closing gaps.· If you want to know your strengths, weaknesses, and desired work environment better, read Peter F. Drucker's "Managing Yourself." He presents a way to clarify five aspects of your professional identity and recommends seeking job opportunities and environments that fit that identity most closely.

Thursday 11 March 2010

Leadership Guru

Here is the best 20 guru of management and leadership of today….and the criteria of their selection. Two things pumped into my mind:
- There is no word about people & human & individual, which is really weird as no leadership of any organization would be possible without personal leadership…
- Also I have the impression that all of them are great for big companies, but 95% of the companies in the world are not big.
Any case, here they are…
The gurus who make our Excellence 100 list today possess a rare combination of traits and abilities. Here are the eight criteria:
1. Preparation: academic and professional.
2. Character: values, ethics, beliefs, purpose, mission, integrity, walk the talk.
3. Principles: big message, point of view, tenets, main points.
4. Personality: charisma, style, originality, authenticity, one of a kind.
5. Performance: inspiring action, real-world performance, work ethic.
6. Experience: beyond local and regional, more national and international.
7. Expression: substance and style in writing, speaking, coaching, consulting, mentoring, training.
8. Influence: difference, results, change, transformation.

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Must Read ...!

Marketing management inspirational Entrepreneurs , Ad-visors and Blogs.... 

Famous Entrepreneurs

Julie Aigner-Clark, Baby Einstein
Julie Aigner-Clark
Baby Einstein
Giorgio Armani, Giorgio Armani S.p.A.
Giorgio Armani
Giorgio Armani S.p.A.
William Harley Arthur Davidson, Harley-Davidson
Mary Kay Ash, Mary Kay Cosmetics
Mary Kay Ash
Mary Kay Cosmetics
P.T. Barnum, Barnum Circus
P.T. Barnum
Barnum Circus
Jeff Bezos,
Jeff Bezos
Richard Branson, Virgin Group
Richard Branson
Virgin Group
Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway
Warren Buffett
Berkshire Hathaway
Asa Candler, Coca-Cola
Asa Candler
Andrew Carnegie, Carnegie Steel
Andrew Carnegie
Carnegie Steel
Steve Case, America Online
Steve Case
America Online
Coco Chanel, Chanel Inc.
Coco Chanel
Chanel Inc.
Dov Charney, American Apparel
Dov Charney
American Apparel
Simon Cowell, American Idol
Simon Cowell
American Idol
Jenny Craig, Jenny Craig
Jenny Craig
Jenny Craig
Mark Cuban,
Mark Cuban
William Hewlett David Packard, Hewlett-Packard
Michael Dell, Dell
Fred DeLuca, Subway
Sean Diddy Combs, Bad Boy
Walt Disney, Walt Disney
Walt Disney
Walt Disney
George Eastman, Kodak
Larry Ellison, Oracle
Debbi Fields, Mrs. Fields Cookies
Debbi Fields
Mrs. Fields Cookies
Henry Ford, Ford Motor
Henry Ford
Ford Motor
George Foreman, George Foreman Grill
George Foreman
George Foreman Grill
Benjamin Franklin, P. Gazette
Simon Fuller, 19 Entertainment
Simon Fuller
19 Entertainment
Ernest Gallo, E & J Gallo Winery
Ernest Gallo
E & J Gallo Winery
Chris Gardner, Gardner Rich
Chris Gardner
Gardner Rich
Bill Gates, Microsoft
Bill Gates
A.P. Giannini, Bank of America
A.P. Giannini
Bank of America
King Gillette, The Gillette Company
King Gillette
The Gillette Company
Joyce Hall, Hallmark Cards
Joyce Hall
Hallmark Cards
Reed Hastings, Netflix
Trip Hawkins, Electronic Arts
Trip Hawkins
Electronic Arts
Hugh Hefner, Playboy
Henry Heinz, HJ Heinz
Henry Heinz
HJ Heinz
Carlos Slim Helu, Grupo Carso
Carlos Slim Helu
Grupo Carso
Jim Henson, Henson Assoc.
Jim Henson
Henson Assoc.
Milton Hershey, Hershey Foods
Milton Hershey
Hershey Foods
Duncan Hines, Duncan Hines
Duncan Hines
Duncan Hines
Howard Hughes, Hughes Aircraft
Howard Hughes
Hughes Aircraft
Wayne Huizenga, Blockbuster
Wayne Huizenga
Jenna Jameson, Club Jenna
Jenna Jameson
Club Jenna
Ben Cohen Jerry Greenfield, Ben & Jerry's
David Filo Jerry Yang, Yahoo!
Steve Jobs, Apple
Magic Johnson, Johnson Development Corp.
Magic Johnson
Johnson Development Corp.
John Johnson, Johnson Publishing
John Johnson
Johnson Publishing
Robert Johnson, B.E.T.
Ron Joyce, Tim Hortons
Ron Joyce
Tim Hortons
Li Ka Shing, Hutchison Whampoa
Li Ka Shing
Hutchison Whampoa
Ingvar Kamprad, IKEA
Herb Kelleher, Southwest Airlines
Herb Kelleher
Southwest Airlines
W.K. Kellogg, Kellogg's
W.K. Kellogg
Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad
Calvin Klein, Calvin Klein
Calvin Klein
Calvin Klein
Philip Knight, Nike
Ray Kroc, McDonald's
Ray Kroc
Guy Laliberte, Cirque du Soleil
Guy Laliberte
Cirque du Soleil
Sergey Brin Larry Page, Google
Estee Lauder, Estee Lauder
Estee Lauder
Estee Lauder
Ralph Lauren, Polo Ralph Lauren
Ralph Lauren
Polo Ralph Lauren
Leon Leonwood Bean, L.L. Bean
Jennifer Lopez, J.Lo
George Lucas, Lucasfilm
George Lucas
Henry Luce, Time Inc.
Henry Luce
Time Inc.
John Willard Marriott, Marriott
Terry Matthews, Mitel
Todd McFarlane, Image Comics
Todd McFarlane
Image Comics
Vince McMahon, WWE
Tom Monaghan, Domino's Pizza
Tom Monaghan
Domino's Pizza
J.P. Morgan, JP Morgan
J.P. Morgan
JP Morgan
Akio Morita, Sony
Rupert Murdoch, Fox Network
Rupert Murdoch
Fox Network
Elon Musk, PayPal
Elon Musk
Paul Newman, Newman's Own
Paul Newman
Newman's Own
Craig Newmark, Craigslist
Craig Newmark
David Ogilvy, Ogilvy & Mather
David Ogilvy
Ogilvy & Mather
Pierre Omidyar, Ebay
Paul Orfalea, Kinko's
J.C. Penney, J.C. Penney
J.C. Penney
J.C. Penney
Ron Popeil, Ronco
Wolfgang Puck, Wolfgang Puck
Wolfgang Puck
Wolfgang Puck
Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay
Gordon Ramsay
Gordon Ramsay
Rachael Ray, Rachael Ray
Rachael Ray
Rachael Ray
Tony Robbins, AR Companies
Tony Robbins
AR Companies
Gordon Moore Robert Noyce, Intel
John Rockefeller, Standard Oil
John Rockefeller
Standard Oil
Anita Roddick, The Body Shop
Anita Roddick
The Body Shop
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter
J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter
Harland Sanders, KFC
David Sarnoff, RCA
Howard Schultz, Starbucks
Charles Schwab, Charles Schwab
Charles Schwab
Charles Schwab
Gerry Schwartz, Onex
Issy Sharp, Four Seasons
Issy Sharp
Four Seasons
Russell Simmons, Rush Comm.
Russell Simmons
Rush Comm.
Jim Sinegal, Costco
Fred Smith, Fedex
Steven Spielberg, DreamWorks
George Steinbrenner, New  York Yankees
George Steinbrenner
New York Yankees
Chad Hurley Steve Chen, YouTube
Martha Stewart, MLSO
Satoshi Tajiri, Pokemon
Dave Thomas, Wendys
Chris De Wolfe Tom Anderson, MySpace
Donald Trump, Trump Org.
Donald Trump
Trump Org.
Ted Turner, TBS
Peter van Stolk, Jones Soda
Peter van Stolk
Jones Soda
Lillian Vernon, Lillian Vernon
Lillian Vernon
Lillian Vernon
Madam C.J. Walker, Madam C.J. Walker
Madam C.J. Walker
Madam C.J. Walker
Sam Walton, Wal-Mart
Sam Walton
Vera Wang, Vera Wang
Vera Wang
Vera Wang
Ty Warner, Beanie Babies
Ty Warner
Beanie Babies
Thomas Watson Jr., IBM
Thomas Watson Sr., IBM
Dana White, UFC
Brett Wilson, FirstEnergy Capital
Brett Wilson
FirstEnergy Capital
Oprah Winfrey, Harpo
William Wrigley Jr., Wrigley
Entrepreneur Advice

David Allen, Getting Things Done
David Allen
Getting Things Done
Jack Canfield, Chicken Soup
Jack Canfield
Chicken Soup
Jay Conrad Levinson, Guerilla Marketing
Jay Conrad Levinson
Guerilla Marketing
T. Harv Eker, Millionaire Mind
T. Harv Eker
Millionaire Mind
Brad Feld, Venture Capitalist
Brad Feld
Venture Capitalist
Keith Ferrazzi, Never Eat Alone
Keith Ferrazzi
Never Eat Alone
Timothy Ferriss, 4 Hour Work Week
Timothy Ferriss
4 Hour Work Week
Michael Gerber, The E Myth
Michael Gerber
The E Myth
Ask Michael Gerber, Reader Questions
Ask Michael Gerber
Reader Questions
Jeffrey Gitomer, The Sales Bible
Jeffrey Gitomer
The Sales Bible
Seth Godin, Ideavirus Author
Seth Godin
Ideavirus Author
Donald J. Trump, Trump University
Donald J. Trump
Trump University
John Jantsch, Duct Tape Marketing
John Jantsch
Duct Tape Marketing
Guy Kawasaki, The Art of the Start
Guy Kawasaki
The Art of the Start
Paul Kedrosky, Venture Capitalist
Paul Kedrosky
Venture Capitalist
Tom Peters, In Search Of Excellence
Tom Peters
In Search Of Excellence
Zig Ziglar, See You At The Top
Zig Ziglar
See You At The Top

If I Were A Startup

Adam and Matthew Toren , $200k to $3.4 Mil in 3 Years
Adam and Matthew Toren
$200k to $3.4 Mil in 3 Years
John Zarei and Shaan Parekh , $516k to $1.5 Mil in 2 years
John Zarei and Shaan Parekh
$516k to $1.5 Mil in 2 years
Frank Cianciulli, $2.3 to $7.5 Mil in 2 years
Frank Cianciulli
$2.3 to $7.5 Mil in 2 years
Catherine Daw, > $4 Mil in revenues
Catherine Daw
> $4 Mil in revenues
Travis Hartley, 426% Growth in 2 Years
Travis Hartley
426% Growth in 2 Years
Gord Hotchkiss, $113k to $1.5 Mil in 5 years
Gord Hotchkiss
$113k to $1.5 Mil in 5 years
Robert Iachetta, $372k to $921k in 2 years
Robert Iachetta
$372k to $921k in 2 years
Julie Mitchell, $470k to $1.1 Mil in 2 years
Julie Mitchell
$470k to $1.1 Mil in 2 years
Chris Nguyen, 30+ national clients on $0
Chris Nguyen
30+ national clients on $0
Stephen Pollack, $1.2 to $16.2 Mil in 3 Years
Stephen Pollack
$1.2 to $16.2 Mil in 3 Years
Jeff Roick, $1.4 to $6.5 Mil in 2 years
Jeff Roick
$1.4 to $6.5 Mil in 2 years
Brian Scudamore, $200k to $8 Mil in 5 years
Brian Scudamore
$200k to $8 Mil in 5 years
Lee Segal, >1,800% Growth in 5 Years
Lee Segal
>1,800% Growth in 5 Years
Kerry Shapansky, $2.0 to $51 Mil in 5 years
Kerry Shapansky
$2.0 to $51 Mil in 5 years
Lisa Shepherd, $335k to $1.1 Mil in 2 years
Lisa Shepherd
$335k to $1.1 Mil in 2 years
Razor Suleman, $143k to $5.4 Mil in 5 years
Razor Suleman
$143k to $5.4 Mil in 5 years
Jonathan Voigt, $214k to $507k in 2 years
Jonathan Voigt
$214k to $507k in 2 years
Geoff Whitlock, $53k to $507k in 3 years
Geoff Whitlock
$53k to $507k in 3 years
Erez Zevulunov, $150k to $504k in 2 years
Erez Zevulunov
$150k to $504k in 2 years
Dana Zita, > $2.5 Mil in revenues
Dana Zita
> $2.5 Mil in revenues

Entrepreneur Tools

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Entrepreneur Blogs

America's #1 Sales Coach for Introverts, Shy and Reluctant
(Member Level)
Business in focus
(Gold Level)
(Silver Level)
A Dealmakers blog
(Member Level)
A Lifestream in Color
(Member Level)
A Network Marketing Portal
(Member Level)
Affiliate Power Central
(Member Level)
Americas Next Top Recruiter
(Member Level)
Anthony Cole's Sales Java™ Blog
(Gold Level)
Article Content
(Member Level)
Blog Content Provider
(Silver Level)
brandExpansion Hot Press
(Gold Level)
brandEXPANSION Hot Press
(Gold Level)
Build Best Bosses
(Member Level)
Business Blogs and Company Blogging
(Platinum Level)
Business Influences!
(Member Level)
Business Sanity Blog
(Member Level)
Business Shortcuts from Paul Johnson, Trouble Breaker #1
(Gold Level)
Business Strategies Blog
(Member Level)
(Gold Level)
Buy a Business and Run It Successfully
(Member Level)
Buzzoodle Buzz Marketing Blog
(Platinum Level)
Cambridge Whos Who
(Gold Level)
Career Success with Liz Bywater
(Member Level)
Catalyst Leadership Coaching
(Silver Level)
CIO to go
(Member Level)
Clare Evans
(Member Level)
Coaching Businesses to Success
(Silver Level)
Communicate Innovate Collaborate
(Member Level)
Communication Coach
(Silver Level)
Connecting People
(Gold Level)
Create Your Image with Promotional Products
(Silver Level)
Credit Alliance Group
(Member Level)
Cyclope-Series Team Blog
(Member Level)
Dallas Berry on Direct Sales & Internet Marketing
(Member Level)
Debbie Ruston - Expert in Personal Development, Law of Attraction, & Success Mentorship
(Bronze Level)
Deborah Young Blog
(Member Level)
Defy The Impossible: The Mindworks Coaching Blog
(Member Level)
(Member Level)
Drew's Marketing Minute
(Platinum Level)
EffortlessHR Blog
(Platinum Level)
Ellia Communications Blog
(Member Level)
Engage Selling Solutions
(Gold Level)
Enjoy Being You
(Member Level)
Entrepreneur Blog
(Platinum Level)
Ethics and Life
(Member Level)
Ethos 360
(Member Level)
Financially inKleined
(Bronze Level)
Franchising Coach Blog
(Member Level)
From the Desk of Janet Barclay
(Silver Level)
George Sierchio Coaching Blog for Technology Consulting & Service Business Owners
(Silver Level)
Graphic Design and Website Design Blog
(Bronze Level)
(Gold Level)
GT Bulmer Web Bizz Blog
(Member Level)
Home Business Success Story: Will You Be Next?
(Member Level)
Home Party Success
(Bronze Level)
Ideas to Make Money | Live a Successful Life
(Member Level)
Inspiring Your Authentic Week
(Member Level)
Intensive Care for the Nurturer's Soul
(Platinum Level)
Internet Based Home Business Blog
(Silver Level)
Intrapreneur Experiences in Entrepreneur Companies
(Member Level)
Jody Gabourie - The Marketing Plan Queen
(Member Level)
Karen Newman
(Member Level)
KEI Observation Deck
(Silver Level)
Know Your Place
(Member Level)
Knowledge Fulcrum
(Member Level)
Let's Talk Franchising!
(Silver Level)
Life Balance - Universal Principles
(Member Level)
Live In Prosperity
(Member Level)
Love and Power
(Member Level)
(Member Level)
Making a Difference....together
(Member Level)
Marketing and New Media Blog
(Member Level)
Marketing Junkie
(Silver Level)
Merchant Account Blog for Business Merchants
(Silver Level)
Michael Hamburger's NotMLM Blog
(Member Level)
My Aha Moments by Colette Morris
(Member Level)
(Member Level)
Nectar Consulting Inc: Bringing Clarity to Business
(Member Level)
New Perspectives Business Coaching, Sydney
(Member Level)
New Prodigy - Reading Lounge
(Member Level)
Official Blog of Mike Mundell
(Member Level)
(Member Level)
Pathway To Success Ezine
(Member Level)
Phoenix Rising: Strategies for Transformation
(Member Level)
Power Play
(Member Level)
Prime Strategies Blog
(Member Level)
Principled Profit: The Good Business Blog
(Gold Level)
Productive and Organized
(Gold Level)
Profit Growth Dynamics International
(Member Level)
Public Relations Sydney
(Silver Level)
(Member Level)
Right Track Coaching
(Member Level)
RJ's Word Processing Services Blog
(Member Level)
RRW Consulting Direct Marketing Blog
(Gold Level)
Sales Guru Online
(Gold Level)
Sales Management Today
(Silver Level)
Sales Productivity Secrets
(Member Level) Blog
(Member Level)
Scotland SEO Blog
(Gold Level)
SEO Blog
(Member Level)
SEO Service Provider
(Silver Level)
Shaboom - Life Could Be a Dream
(Gold Level)
Sharon Drew Morgen - Home of the Buying Facilitation Method
(Silver Level)
Small Business Marketing Mavericks
(Member Level)
Small Business Training
(Member Level)
SME, SMB, SMME, all the debate and info
(Member Level)
(Gold Level)
SoloScoop - Blog for Savvy Solo Entrepreneurs
(Gold Level)
Spiritual and Irritable
(Member Level)
Startup Professionals Musings
(Member Level)
Stories That Coach!
(Member Level)
Technical Support
(Member Level)
The Frazzled Entrepreneur
(Bronze Level)
The Frazzled Entrepreneurs Balance Beam
(Bronze Level)
The Marketing Blog
(Silver Level)
The Marketing Blog
(Gold Level)
The Office Organiser
(Gold Level)
The Productive Entrepreneur
(Silver Level)
The Queen of Cold Calling
(Member Level)
The Success Blog
(Member Level)
The suspense is killing me!
(Gold Level)
The Writing Life
(Platinum Level)
Thomas C. Jordan
(Member Level)
Thought Leadership
(Member Level)
Toronto Marketing Blog
(Bronze Level)
TradeMark Express
(Gold Level)
Understanding the Sales Force
(Gold Level)
Venture Point
(Bronze Level)
VentureArchetypes Blog: Seed Stage Capital
(Silver Level)
Virtual Assistant Blog
(Gold Level)
Vitality Ireland
(Member Level)
(Member Level)
Women Entrepreneurs Blog of the Mohawk Valley
(Silver Level)
Work Less, Make More
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Working From Home Can Now Be a One Year Reality
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