Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Using true reality to solve our problem.

We have a crude understanding of what life is. Most of us have dreams and desires that we wish to pursue. However, to do so we use the crude understanding of life. When there is a problem and we find it difficult to achieve our goal we turn to our crude understanding. If for instance you cannot afford the most stylish car you get another job you sell your time (and your life) for money. This is using the standard reality that we live in, that tells us we need more expensive material possessions to show off our success, and the way we achieve these things is through selling our time.

Can we use true reality (if such a thing exists)? Can we realize how stupid the pursuit for so called success is? Can we see the material possessions for what they really are? Can we experience true living? Can we stop deceiving ourselves putting what others think about us as top priority? Can we focus on experiencing and enjoying the short and insignificant life that we have?

After all you only live once.

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