Thursday 12 June 2008

The clock is running

The clock is running
...As i open my eyes,I find the clock is running ,I wish to yawn ,I wish to let it race ahead,But I can’t, because the clock is running.As I reach office ,I find things urgent,as I think about them,I find new things are pressing on,I wish to stop,I wish to take a break ,I wish to smile, But I can’t, because the clock is running.As I reach home I find myself exhausted,As I reach home I find myself longing for my bed,As I reach home I wish to do the things i love,But I can’t ,because the clock is running .And as the clock keeps running ,So does my life,Seconds change into minutes,Minutes become hours,Hours form days,Days turn into weeks,Weeks slip into months,Months pass away as years,And pretty soon it will be over.And then one day I will find myself,With no one around me,With no one to wait for me,With no one to care for me.With no one to cry when I die.

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