Thursday, 9 September 2010

Waking up your "Subconscious Mind"

A question that has been in my mind for a long time - "Whether Science can explain all things in this universe?" or "Whether religions, their sayings can explain this universe?". Though many theories have come up, neither science nor religion explained all things in the universe. Science not able to prove all birth of the universe and other kinds whereas religious followers not able to prove the existence of God.

Meanwhile we have to see something which most of us are unaware of - something supernatural - something which only few people know that they have. Few people have claimed to move or lift objects without touching the object. Many such cases has been shown in the TV. Scientists says that some use science and tricks to make an illusion to others. However science is not able to explain completely the reason for certain cases where it found no such tricks. In such cases, scientists say that these people use the power of mind to move the objects without touching them.

Brain consists of two parts, conscious mind and subconscious mind. Conscious mind is something which we are aware of. Subconscious mind is something which is millions times more powerful and speeder than conscious mind. By practice and repeated actions, we (may be others also) program our subconscious mind. That is why when speaking or driving we dont think and we do work automatically. But when we do new things like learning to drive, we tend to think and use our conscious mind to do our work, which is why we are slow. Around 95% of our activities are performed by our sub-conscious mind.

Sometimes we feel that there is something/force that is responsible for an incident. Say for eg, A person believes that he gets placed in a specific company or gets selected in a specific college and when it actually happens he feels wondered that what he thought has happened. We can call that as our instinct.

Science is now trying to relate the power that the subconscious mind has, with the events of the world and lot of research has been going on in this aspects. They also found some positive results in their research. Some reports say that, power of subconscious mind was used by some people to cure diseases. They started to believe that they will be relieved from the disease. The main thing is to make the subconscious mind believe something, in other words, program it. When we know what we can do with our subconscious mind, we can do things that we think that we are not capable of. So its upto you to have a control over your subconscious mind and achieve ur goals.

Positive and Negative Thoughts

Many, even I, have insisted to have positive approach in your life. Having a positive thought will help you to have success in your life. When you believe in you, you will be successful. As always, too much of anything is fit for nothing. Even the positive approach you have should be limited to certain cases. Negative thoughts are also important in certain parts of your life.

If you are so much positive and say that I wont die when I fall from 5th floor of your building, you are certainly a fool. You have to have negative thoughts as well. Positive thoughts helps you to move ahead, and negative thoughts helps you not to move ahead towards danger. Your positive thought allows you to invent something new. Your negative thought helps you to figure out what danger is present in it, how to overcome certain dangers if it occurs.

So be positive in your life, invent , succeed and at the same time don't be over positive. So be negative, figure out the dangerous pits, succeed and at the same don't be over negative

Self Confidence vs Inferiority Complex

Self confidence and Inferiority complex are inversely proportional. More you have self confidence in one thing, the lesser is your inferiority complex. Self confidence is one of the key points to success in a person's life. So I would like to share some points here on this.

Most people (including me) have inferiority complex. Our natural habits along with the environment around us is one of the reasons for a person having inferiority complex or lower in self confidence. Some have stage fright, some may not know how to express to others what they wanted to, and like that we can keep on adding. There are some instances due to which few get more inferiority complex. For eg., when parents compare their child with a student who is doing better than that child in academics or sports or whatever. How the child takes that comparison, depends on the character of that child. A better way to make the child come up is to boost her confidence by asking the child to do well in the future or offering prizes/gifts. There are more chance for remembering what we learn in childhood, so it is better to direct the child in the right way than to wait till the child has grown up.

There are some useful tips that you could learn to gain in self confidence.
1) Speak to others right from childhood. It helps you to be fluent and bold enough.

2) Learn more stuffs. May it be academics, technology, current affairs or history. It helps you to speak with more confidence because you have more chance of knowing information about topics that you are speaking.

3) If you have stage fright:
i) Before getting to the stage, take some water and take deep breath to reduce your nervousness
ii) Look at the audience as though they don't know anything. Whatever you tell is correct and they don't know anything more than you do.
iii) Think of some person who used to encourage you always say your father or mother, and assume that there are 1000 or more clones of that person standing back of the audience and there to support you and to take care of people who are insulting/bullying you.
iv) Always think of "claps of the audience". Imagine what you would feel if the victory is yours and you are being held up by 100s of people. Imagine the roar that you hear at the situation.
v) Don't by-heart what you want to speak in the stage. Just learn the working. You will then be out of fear.

4) Keep in mind that, everyone are born as child and everyone are prone to mistakes. So don't fear of failures but remember that every failure and success is an experience.

5) Develop positive attitude. I would like you to have a look at the following two links.,

6) If you have a feel that you haven't got anything in your life, and you developed inferiority complex within yourself, just go to the outside world and see how many are worse than you. Try to be happy with what you got rather than worrying about what you haven't got.

7) Final and the most important point to gain more self-confidence is "Do what you fear to do." That is the quickest and the shortest way to reduce your inferiority complex. It is evident that, if he have some deadline or compulsion on to do something, we do that job. So put yourself under compulsion.

There's No Such Thing As "normal"...

The word "normal" is so over-rated.  I don't really believe in the word.

Everyone is different and special in their own way :)

So we're not actually "weird"....  We're unique!  :)


Its strange when people say that when you're too busy, you don't notice the time passing by you, but its the times when you have all the time to kill when you notice the time. Being in a very demanding course demands your full time. It crazy when I don't know what day of the week it is, or whose birthday has just passed by, or how long I haven't seen other family members. The crazier thing is that I don't seem to care because I think there are other things that demand more of my time, of my attention for this. Success has a price, but it is subjective. You can't have everything, because when you think you do, you may have sacrificed something else.

Cathartic Procrastinating Wordsmiths

Cathartic Procrastinating Wordsmiths

This is what we are.

We have not the spines to act, not the strength to leap, not the wisdom to see our folly.
All we see is the sorrow, our sorrow, and we keep asking why.
Waiting for someone or something to fix it when all we need to do is follow our hearts to be free.
Circles within circles within circles.

Someone else here said it better than I - "I am so desperately sorry for you, and all the other beautiful birds, trapped in a gilded cage... "
It does not matter how beautiful your cage is, it is still a cage.
I will not die in this cage I built around me, and yes, it was I that built it, I know that now.
The cage door is open.
Almost time to fly...

And the non poetic, non procrastinating, non wordsmith but VERY cathartic version...

**** this! I'm Off!

Except For Chocolate, Of Course

I never get to finish my chocolate. I usually have one or two sets of puppy dog eyes looking at it. Usually they are saying "wow look at how big it is" as well. :-)

Monday, 6 September 2010

Life Is Relative :

Life is 100% relative to your situation.  Your life is built on your expectation.  What you expect from a situation will determine whether or not you will be let down or amazed.  For instance, if you’re going see a movie and someone tells you it’s a great movie, and all you hear about it is how good it is.  You go to see it and it doesn’t live up to your expectations.  Well, your then a little let down even if the movie was pretty good.  Every aspect of life is like that.

 If you’re going through a tough or bad situation it feels so much better when things get better.  The tougher or harder the situation the better it feels later.  I myself have gone through it time and time again, and I don’t expect it to stop.  I just live for the good times and survive through the bad times.  For me things are a little more extreme mainly because I am bipolar.   So, the good times are really good and the bad times are tough.

Early in my life I went through a tough situation.  In middle school, I went through a public school hell.  I wrote a piece on it, but it made my private high school experience so much sweeter.  The middle school I went to was about ninety percent black and high school I went to was about ninety percent white.  I went from being picked on every day to being voted class favorite.  But all those wonderful high school years set me up for a big letdown later on.

After high school, I went on to college to chase my dream.  Things were great for about a year or so.  Then my long time high school sweetheart broke up with me.  Well I stayed in college from then on I struggled.  I failed a Calculus class and a few others along the way.  But, what kept me motivated was the fact that no one expected me to graduate college.  Again expectations comes into play, I pushed on an graduated college.  It felt unbelievable to graduate, but in my mind I thought graduating college would fix all my problem.  By that time, I had started dating a girl that was great, smart, pretty, going to be a doctor.  The problem was that I didn’t love her.  In my mind I thought me being an Engineer and her being a Doctor, we would make a boat load of money and be perfectly happy. I found out the hard way that money does mean anything.

Once again expectations come into play, I started working as an Engineer in a really nice office thinking this is going to be great.  I so realized that I hated working in the office. I found myself hating my job and dating a girl that I didn’t want to marry.  So what happened, I had a mental break down went into a mental hospital for a week.  I came out a different person.  A few weeks later I broke up with my girlfriend and quit my job.

It’s been over four years since I broke up with her and about the same since I’ve worked as an Engineer.  Now, I’m almost thirty and I’m single.  I can honestly say that I’m just about as happy now as I’ve ever been.  Yea it’s hard watching all my friends getting married and having kids.  And yea I feel a little jaded because I’m not sure if I want to bring another girl into my life.  I’m a little worried about the future.

To everyone out there that are in bad situations, just make it through and know that better days are coming.  No matter what tomorrow is a new day and things somehow someway work themselves out in the end.