Saturday 15 August 2009

B-School marketing assigment to teach basics

You are asked to achieve two things for a newly developed online service with a very limited budget:
  • Build a good brand for the service.
  • Build a good traffic/users base for the service
Isn't it a good practical marketing assignment :). Now let us try to break down the task further:
  • Google Adwords:
    • Fine tuning /honing your keywords to achieve maximum converson.
  • Tracking:
    • Tracking referral sources, the flows user is trying with google analytics.
  • Buzz Word in Blogosphere:
    • Creating a buzz word in blogosphere by blogging about it and ask other bloggers to write review about it? Also video of the service on an interesting theme on youtube ,WOW!
  • Viral Marketing:
    • Creating good word of mouth / viral marketing campaigns? emails? social networks? videos sites? some other interesting viral marketing elements :)
  • PRs:
    • Reaching the right audience.
    • Doing a good PRs on the area of expertise?
Okie! this is basic stuff. Now time for some creative ideas?

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